What Is Mobilization and Manual Therapy?
Joint mobilization is a gentle therapy that is designed to stretch stiff structures with the aim of relieving pain and restoring the structure to their normal joint position and back to normal recovery of movement. Foot mobilisation is a ‘hands on’ treatment technique that diagnoses and corrects misalignment of the foot and ankle. It allows the body to heal itself. We do this by testing and adjusting the 26 individual bones and 33 joints in your foot to restore the normal joint function and its range of motion.
Manual Therapy involves a quick thrusting movement to get the joint back to position. It can form part of the treatment process for many different including heel and ankle pain, leg pain, shin splints, knee pain etc. This process is designed to stretch stiff structures with the aim of relieving pain and restoring the structure to their normal joint position and back to normal recovery of movement. Used as a standalone therapy or in conjunction with other treatments (strapping, compression, orthotic therapy, changing footwear) it is a natural solution to relieve pain and restore foot function.
Joint Mobilisation and Manual Therapy are widely used by many allied health professionals, podiatrists, chiropractors, physios and osteopaths, to treat musculoskeletal conditions.
How do they work together?
By freeing up restrictions and stiffness of the joints in the feet
By improving the position of the joints to allow your body to naturally restore its optimal biomechanics (structure and movement).
By allowing the joints to be taken through their natural motions and thereby break up adhesions and restrictions within the area that prevents the joint to operate at its best position.
By combining the therapies with specific but simple corrective exercises, which allow you to contribute and maintain the improvement of your feet when you stopped seeing us.
Why have Mobilization and Manual Therapy?
Restriction and misalignment of the foot and ankle joints are the primary cause of most aches and pain. You may describe a feeling of sore feet, aching feet, poor balancing, acute or chronic pain, general foot tightness or heaviness, stiffness around the foot and ankle or “the feet just don’t feel right!”
These symptoms often happen when joints of the feet are not moving freely within their optimal position. As a result all supporting structures . . . muscles, tendons and ligaments . . . are forced to compensate. This is the catalyst to pain and discomfort.
What are the Benefits?
The therapy treats natural symptoms that the body is producing
It gets to the source of the problem, eradicating misalignment causing the issues
During therapy your working life can remain active as you heal
It’s non-invasive, with gentle and pain-free techniques
It replaces drugs, surgeries and the aggressive crunch and click techniques
It can be useful in the following cases as a supplement or the sole treatment source:
Ankle Sprains
Ankle Arthritis
Arch Pain
Foot Pain
General Foot Aches & Discomfort
General Foot Aches & Discomfort
High Arches
Hammer Toes
Achilles Tendonitis & Tendinopathy
Morton’s Neuroma & Ball of Foot Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Posture: Gait Problems in Adults and Children
Pregnancy: Foot & Ankle Pain
Weak Ankles
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