
What Is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is an innovative technique that relieves pain, by directly impacting on underlying conditions causing pain.

Many health modalities use it in their area of treatment. In Podiatry, Prolotherapy is used to reduce chronic foot pain. Regenerative injection therapy has the effect of strengthening weakened connective tissue, promoting the repair of damaged nerves and reducing inflammation.

By reducing inflammation, the blood can flow more freely into the injury site, where the chronic pain is felt.  With additional blood flow, the natural elements are present that help the damaged area repair.

In contrast to many medical treatments that may provide only temporary benefits, Prolotherapy is a safe, proven treatment that offers lasting relief and faster healing.

From our in-clinic research mapping the outcomes of clients using a course of Prolotherapy, over 80% of people treated, reported excellent or good results.

Why have Prolotherapy?

Many issues respond well to Prolotherapy e.g. facet syndrome (back and neck arthritis), joint sprains, degenerative disc diseases, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, whiplash, sprains and chronic tendonitis.

In terms of the foot and lower limb ailments, we have had positive results when treating:

  • Achilles Tendinopathy

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Forefoot Pain:

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Morton’s Neuroma/Bursitis Complexes

  • Ankle Sprain: Ankle Inversion Injuries: Ligament Sprains/Strains

  • Shin Splints

  • Ankle Arthritis

  • Knee Arthritis

  • Bunions

  • Hammer Toes.

How does Prolotherapy work?

  • Firstly our podiatrists will determine if you could be a candidate for this healing alternative. If Prolotherapy is indicated as useful for your issue then a course of injections are arranged over a short series of appointments

  • The technique is directed at helping to repair and strengthen any damaged ligaments, tendons and joint capsules

  • Each injection contains an irritant, in this case, natural glucose, which activates the body’s repair process

  • The body immediately produces an inflammatory response which results in the deposition of collagen into the soft tissues. The collagen increases the strength of the soft tissue long-term

  • The injection involves a solution of: 25% glucose (Dextrone) and 2% lignocaine (local anaesthesia)

  • The course of treatment encourages ongoing, additional, tissue growth to restore and strengthen the affected area

  • A plan is tailored to each individual’s case with treatments usually scheduled approximately once per week, for three or so weeks or until the healing is complete and you can return to normal activities without pain

  • This technique is an alternative to a cortisone (steroid) injection, which, in the long term, can weaken the tendons

What are the expected results?

  • Initially, mild but temporary swelling and stiffness may occur

  • Some patients see noticeable improvement after the first few sessions, whilst others may realize an increasing amount of improvement on each successive visit

  • Many patients are permanently cured. Not only do they enjoy simple pleasures again, like a good night’s sleep, sitting through a movie or taking a walk, but many also return to more physical activities, for example, jogging, walking and dancing. Over 80% of our clients report an excellent or good result


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